Is Your Website Under Siege? Alarming Rise of Cyberattacks in India Q1 2024

Cyber-Attack Thumbnail

Nowadays cyber security is becoming a very important aspect for any organization and company. A recent report by Indusface, a well-regarded security SaaS firm, revealed a concerning trend: There was a YoY increase of 261% in cyberattacks on Indian websites in Q1 2024. This surge has put India on the top 95 countries most impacted by DDoS and bot attacks. The research presented in the paper clearly calls for businesses to pay special attention to maintaining their websites and ensuring that they have adequate security to counter cyber threats.

The Changing Nature of Cyber Threats

According to the Indusface report, the present-day cybersecurity scenario is quite worrisome. Indusface’s Indian clients reported an astonishing 1.8 billion cyberattacks during the Q1 of the financial year 2024. This sharp increase can be attributed to the fact that cybercriminals are now focusing more on the less protected sectors in order to gain economic advantages or disrupt operations.

On a global level, the report shows that DDoS attacks are on the rise along with bot attacks by 76% YoY and 147% YoY between January and March 2024. In the DDoS attack, the server receives a high amount of traffic with the intention of stopping the service while in the bot attack, automated scripts are used to steal data, engage in fraudulent activities, and perform other wrongful deeds.

India stands at the receiving end of these attacks more than most other countries, which makes it more exposed. Data collected by Indusface for more than 5000 customers in 95 countries reveals that Indian business, especially in less regulated sectors such as power and manufacturing, are under attack.

Co-founder and CEO of Indusface, Ashish Tandon also conveys the severity of the issue, saying that it has been 2.5 fold increase in attacks on Indian applications compared to the previous year. He also emphasizes that despite the fact that the threat landscape has evolved over the years, DDoS and bot attacks continue to be the most common attack type used by cybercriminals against Indian websites, as is the case with the global threat landscape.

The report of Indusface is an eye-opener for the business owners to wake up and realize the increasing threats of cyber world and the necessity of strong security measures. If not protected, companies are prone to monetary loses, negative brand image, and even legal consequences caused by cyber attacks and service outages. With the constant increase in the threat level and the variety of threats in the cyberspace, routine and effective website maintenance and security measures have become not a mere recommendation, but rather a practical necessity for existence in the web environment.

What Cyber Threats You Should Beware About

Cyber threats are one of the most challenging topics to understand and address since they are constantly changing in nature.

The Indusface report highlights two prevalent cyberattacks plaguing businesses: Such as Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) and bot attacks.

  • DDoS Attacks: Just picture a large group of people ganged up at the entrance of a store to the extent that genuine consumers cannot access the store. Equally, a DDoS attack aims at overwhelming a site or a server with traffic and hence deny provision of services to real users. These attacks are meant to cause a disruption, tarnish the image of a company, therefore leading to loss making.
  •  Bot Attacks: These include automated programs (bots) that are programmed for unlawful activities. They can steal information, sign up for accounts on their own or distribute viruses on a large scale and are challenging to identify. The recent report by Indusface shows that there is a 147% year on year increasing trend of bot attacks across the world.

Sector-Specific Vulnerabilities

The report reveals varying degrees of vulnerability across industries:

  • Unregulated Sectors: Sectors such as power and manufacturing which might have comparatively less security have seen a steep increase in attacks. Bash scripts are sometimes considered as having these vulnerabilities by attackers with the motive of making some monetary gains or to create havoc.
  • High-Value Targets: Such industries as banking and finance, and insurance get attacked due to the type of data they possess. The report also pointed out that encoding attacks have been found to have increased four folds and HTTP protocol enforcement attacks three folds in these sectors to mean that information security cannot be overemphasized in these sectors.
  • Evolving Attack Strategies: Though the DDoS attacks are more familiar these days, bot attacks are now targeting the retail manufacturing and the healthcare business. These attacks are mainly for the purpose of capturing customers’ data or interrupting the business, depending on the sector.

Real-World Examples

The report emphasizes the severity of cyber threats through real-world examples:The report emphasizes the severity of cyber threats through real-world examples:

  • Data Breaches: Several companies based in India such as Rentomojo, RailYatri, and AngelOne experienced data breaches in 2023, where their clients’ data got leaked.
  • Hospitality Sector Breach: There was also another data leakage incident of Taj Hotels in the month of December 2023 in which personal information of 1.5 million customers.

Lessons Learned

Such cases are exemplified to show the costs and impacts which such breaks can have on the monetary esteem of the organization and its reputation. Organizations in this position need to take measures that improve the position of business and user safety when using the official website and implement new measures to prevent cyber threats that emerge freely.   

Why It Is Important To Maintain The Website

When the threats and their intensity are constantly increasing, and the hackers are getting both more numerous and creative, mundane things like website updates become one of the basic ways to maintain cybersecurity. Through website maintenance, all organizational systems are up to date, secure and operational hence reducing any exploitable weaknesses in the system.

Shielding Against Modern Threats

Another advantage of the website maintenance is an increased ability to prevent and resist DDoS and bots attacks. With such threats’ consistent monitoring and updates of security protocols, businesses can detect them before they disrupt operations. Additional layers of protection can be added through highly effective DDoS protection services as well as bot management services that can filter the traffic and protect website performance.

The steps involve defining ownership and control of data and establishing ways of gaining the trust of individuals and institutions whose information is being processed.

This means common use ensures that the software and applications are updated with the latest security features to close open doors for the attackers. This is highly important in ensuring security of various data is not breached and is not accessed by the wrong people. Firms only perform updates periodically and hence expose them to a range of cyber threats that can endanger the organization’s data.

Maintaining Customer Confidence

For customers to trust a business, it is mandatory that it has a secure well-developed website. A business’s customers also expect their data to be safe any time they are dealing with the business online. Sustained security breaches impact the stakeholders’ confidence and the corporate image which can result in loss of revenues and sales. Maintaining is a sign of prophylactic activity, an indicator of the desire and commitment to the protection and preservation of customer’s assets; assets that many have invested so much into.

Making a Strong Cybersecurity Attitude

Altogether, the fight against cyber threats requires the implementation of a unified approach to business protection. Here are best practices for enhancing a company's security posture and mitigating cyberattack risks:

Backup and Recovery Plans

Backup, which should be produced on a regular basis, is important in order to restore the data after several days of, for example, cyber attack or system failure. Employers have to use automated backup techniques and ensure that data is backed up in other areas that are not affected by calamities. A proper plan of data management reduces the probabilities of data loss and maintains the flow of operations in an organization.

Employee Education and Awareness

Several threats are related to cyber issues, including human error as one of the causes. It is common practice to have training sessions and create awareness across the employees on security measures, the methods of phishing scams, and generally on how to be secure when operating online. Exposing the employees to odds is crucial when it comes to safety so that they can combat them all.

Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) and Strong Passwords

MFA serve as the next level of security from user identification by verifying the user using multiple factors. Also, there should be strict password policies that include the complexity of passwords and their frequencies of change. These measures assist in avoiding cases of intrusion into important systems and information that are within an organization.

Advanced Security Solutions

Expert security solutions and services are required for protection against modern security threats. Running threat categorization, WAAP stands for Web Application and API Protection is the next business solution that can protect an enterprise against DDoS attacks together with bot attacks and other web application attacks. Furthermore, IDS, endpoint protection as well as encryption tools make the general security even stronger.

Continuous Monitoring and Response

Another requirement of the system design is constant networking and system traffic watch, which helps to identify suspicious activities. Organizations should integrate SIEM systems as a tool for collecting and processing security data stream in real time. They enable an organization to have a set way of approaching any detected threats and hence reducing the impact caused.

This paper has isolated the above-discussed best practices, and when applied properly in the organizations’ cybersecurity framework, assist in diminishing their danger exposure to cyber threats. Preventive measures are important hallmarks in managing threats, securing information and maintaining the confidence of the customers and shareholders in the complex modern environments. Avail our award-winning website maintenance services for your business website and peace of mind.

The Real Life Applications and Best Practices

Here are some cyber incidents that happened recently in high-profile organizations and these stories serves good lessons on the effects of cyber incidents as well as showing greatness in cybersecurity. Let's explore some cases and the takeaways businesses can glean:Let's explore some cases and the takeaways businesses can glean:

  • Rentomojo Data Breach (2023): Data breach exposed customer information of this furniture rental startup. Lesson: Beginners must have fundamental protection patterns such as encryption and control of data access accompanied by normal security reviews.
  • RailYatri Cyberattack: This ticketing app had the user data leak and the hacked data included email addresses. Lesson: Protect the customers’ information particularly in organizations that deal with such sensitive information as the health sector. Upgrade your signal engineering in encryption, storage, and evaluation of weaknesses.
  • AngelOne Security Breach: As for the actions, this stockbroker’s offense entailed hacking of user accounts. Lesson: Control risk subject to unauthorized access by implementing MFA and strong passwords on the computer system.
  • Taj Hotels Data Breach (December 2023): This major breach was also seen to have put customer information at risk. Lesson: Correspondingly, the hospitality industry proved to be rather frail. Security maintenance should be a shared responsibility, and its key elements should include frequent updates of the security systems, constant monitoring of the networks, and having an efficient response to security breaches.

Key Takeaways for Businesses:

  1. Proactive Security: Some of the recommended steps include frequent update, sound encryptions, and proper access to control threats.
  2. Empower Employees: Remediate on engaging the employees on proper measures towards handling organizational security to avoid such human errors.
  3. Incident Response Plan: Have a procedure to handle security incidents so that the extent of impact and the time taken for recovery are reduced as much as is possible.
  4.  Continuous Improvement: Cybersecurity is a process that takes place in the digital space constantly. Daily scanning and reporting, fortnightly audit and monthly updating to counter threats as they emerge.


Prioritize Cybersecurity

This is evident by the spate of cyber attacks on Indian websites showing that it is high time business invested on cybersecurity as well as website management. Owning to the changes that threats bring over the modern business, optimistic security solutions for the safety of digital assets and customers’ confidence are needed.

Therefore, awareness of the current state of affairs, identification of cyber attack categories and consequences, and actions constitution and accomplishment of website management and protection measures can help minimize business exposure considerably. It is for this reason that precautionary measures, training of the employees, and constant surveillance form the basis of good cybersecurity.

Take Action Now

It is high time business owners to wake up and start protecting their brand online. Implement the mature security solutions, perform the vulnerability scan and control, and be familiar with those threats and trends. Therefore, choosing website maintenance services as a business priority helps companies guard their processes, information, and image in the contemporary world.

Choose our award winning website maintenance packages or request for a custom plan. Contact Aarav Infotech now.


  • Indusface Report: State of Application Security
  • Some of the latest cyber threats to Indian ventures in recent years, numerous cybersecurity threats have threatened businesses in India.
  • Recommendations and standards from other cyber security gurus and bodies.


Jitendra Raulo

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